Dragon Booster Wiki
Dragon Booster Wiki

So, this is me, Aryann Cocodoro. I'm a Paynn girl, but i don't look like it. Street living has made me unrecognisable almost. I have the signature white hair of a Paynn, it's short and only goes a little past the shoulders, and my n bangs almost always fall in my face unless i pull it back or tuck it behind my ear or something. I have sun-tanned skin and purple eyes, my mom's purple eyes, and i have a long build, just like my big brother, Moordryd. Also, there is one streak of bright, rich purple on the right side of my hair that makes me stand out a little bit, and i also have a dragon claw scar under my right ear from when a wraith dragon tried to have at me when i was still living on the streets with Kitt. 

Anyways, like most people in Dragon City, i wear my dragon jock suit a lot. I have a black suit with white and purple designs, and i also have my hair up in a ponytail with my bangs and sideburns out, my bangs pinned back so that they don't fall in my face. I have a helmet with a black visor and have a black-purple star pendant around my neck that matches that or Artha's wristband. Hello, i'm the Mystery Booster! Of course i get so have a cool piece of whatever on me! Woohoo! 

So, yeah. When i was younger, i would read books about the history of dragons and humans, and i get how people would want to take over, but it's fun how it is now. Don't disrupt the peace, man. So, yeah, i hope i cleared this up for you, bye~! 

Ary~ OUT! :)