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Dragon Booster Wiki
Race Marshall Budge
Basic Information
Draconium Influence White
Dragon N/A
Crew N/A
Crew Position N/A
Life Status Alive
Name Pronunciation Budge
Voice Actor Richard Newman

Race Marshall Budge is an announcer who conducts Dragon City races, Drag-Ball competitions, Jousting contests and other events. He is the ranking official of the Street Race Circuit.

Budge debuted in Episode 2: The Choosing, Part 2.

Physical Appearance[]

Budge is 57 years-old, right-handed, 5'9" tall and weighs 240 Lbs.[1] He has a potbelly and an egg-shaped head. He wears a funky look with brightly coloured clothes. He is partially bald with lavender moustaches, eyebrows, side hair and blue eyes.


He has abundant race knowledge but is apparently afraid of dragons. His secondary draconium influences include Purple, Black and Turquoise.[1]

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]



  • The word "budge" has an archaic meaning of "pompous" which seems to apply to how the race marshall presents himself at races.
  • His phobia of dragons could be why he prefers to keep himself in the air while conducting races.
  • His face is printed on a large board facing the racer tents near the starting line of the All-City Races circuit.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Official release by the creators of the show.