Dragon Booster Wiki
Dragon Booster Wiki

This section is about an annual racing competition.

  • For the section about the seventh episode of the series, see Episode 07: The Horn of Libris.
  • For the section about the transcript of the seventh episode of the series, see Transcript -- Episode 07: The Horn of Libris.
  • For the section about the artifact used to summon Grey dragons, see Horn of Libris (Artifact).

The Horn of Libris Tournament is an annual worldwide racing competition held in Dragon City, introduced in Episode 7: The Horn of Libris. The victor of the race is awarded the namesake Horn of Libris (Artifact) and gets to keep it for one year till the next race.

Khatah and The Inner Order Crew, the former World champions, have taken it upon themselves to guard the Horn and its secret from falling into evil hands by winning the Tournament year after year.

The team of Moordryd Paynn, Cain and Coershun is the current champion of the tournament, cheating their way to victory in Episode 7: The Horn of Libris.


The Horn of Libris racetrack consists of multiple levels wrapped around a large pyramid and an approach road to the lowest level. A huge dragon statue holding the trophy between its jaws sits on a carved pedestal atop the pyramid.

Lower levels join to the upper track levels through a number of gated ramps. Each ramp is preceded by a corresponding target placed behind a cluster of hoops and rods all jutting out of the pyramid wall. The racer must mag-jump, weave his way through these contraptions and strike the target in order to trigger the gate open.


Each team comprises of a dragon and two riders. Conventionally, the pillion rider mag-jumps to strike targets and the front rider steers the dragon and controls its gear. Each target can be hit once only and no more than one dragon can pass up the ramp once triggered open. Players have to make their way to the top, where they have to mag-jump and retrieve the Horn from the jaws of the dragon statue, winning the race.

