Dragon Booster Wiki

The Eye of the Dragon is the thirtieth episode of the series and the fourth episode of the third season in Dragon Booster. It first aired in the US on September 30, 2006.

Plot Summary[]

Moordryd finds a black draconium bone mark called the Vysox and Decepshun absorbs it permanently, growing more powerful and more pure blooded. Moordryd also finds a map leading to the Bone Marks of the League of Eight. Will Artha and Beau be able to stop them before the most powerful dragons of the Dragon Human War are released?

Quotes & Trivia[]

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Important Events[]

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Dragon Booster Episodes

Season One 010203040506070809101112131415
Season Two 1617181920212223242526
Season Three 27282930313233343536373839
Unproduced 00