Dragon Booster Wiki
Dragon Booster Wiki

When Darkness Falls is the twenty-fourth episode of the series and the ninth episode of the second season in Dragon Booster. It first aired in the US on November 20, 2005. It was then aired in Canada on November 10, 2005 and in Australia on March 14, 2006.

Plot Summary[]

During a race, Artha loses his amulet. Word Paynn sends Moordryd to steal dragon eggs so he can change their draconium colour to pure black using a device he created. Artha, Parmon and Kitt are all trapped in the room the dragons are held in and Lance goes off to find the amulet.

Important Events[]

  • First time that pure draconium dragons are bred/created on the show.
  • Decepshun is transformed into a pure Black Draconium dragon.

Quotes & Trivia[]

  • To be added here. If none for this episode, remove this section.



  • To be added here.

Dragon Booster Episodes

Season One 010203040506070809101112131415
Season Two 1617181920212223242526
Season Three 27282930313233343536373839
Unproduced 00