Dragon Booster Wiki
Dragon Booster Wiki

The Leap of Lorius is the eighteenth episode of the series and the third episode of the second season in Dragon Booster. It first aired in the US on October 1, 2005. It was then aired in Canada on August 15, 2005 and in Australia on November 1, 2005.

Plot Summary[]

Moordryd Paynn has set a trap in an upcoming rookie race called The Leap of Lorius. The trap's aim is to turn the rookie racers into human wraiths, and the only way to avoid it is for Artha Penn to attempt a legendary shortcut, and somehow convince other racers to do the same.

Important Events[]

  • First mention of Lorius and the track that was named after his legendary skills.
  • The first time Artha tackles a difficult situation without becoming the Dragon Booster to do so.
  • The first attempt by Word Paynn to create human wraiths as opposed to Wraith Dragons.

Quotes & Trivia[]

  • To be added here. If none for this episode, remove this section.


Dragon Booster Episodes

Season One 010203040506070809101112131415
Season Two 1617181920212223242526
Season Three 27282930313233343536373839
Unproduced 00