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If It Ain't Broke is the fourteenth episode of the first season in Dragon Booster. It first aired in the US on May 21, 2005. It was then aired in Canada on April 12, 2005 and in Australia on October 4, 2005.

Plot Summary[]

Artha is given rare light green deflection gear by Stewardd to help him win an upcoming race, but Moordryd plans to steal it. Parmon breaks the real gear, and swaps it out for homemade gear of his own to fix the real gear. This gear is then stolen by Cain, who replaced it with a detonative fake- Lance sees this, thinking that Cain stole the real gear, and ends up replacing the decoy with an outright fake.

Important Events[]

  • First appearance of Light Green Draconium gear.
  • The first time Stewardd comes up to the main city areas- his crew is now known to more people as a result.

Quotes & Trivia[]

  • To be added here. If none for this episode, remove this section.




Dragon Booster Episode 14 If it Ain't Broke English

Dragon Booster Episodes

Season One 010203040506070809101112131415
Season Two 1617181920212223242526
Season Three 27282930313233343536373839
Unproduced 00