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Three Times a Hero is the eighth episode of the first season in Dragon Booster. It first aired in Canada on January 4, 2005. It was then aired in the US on January 22, 2005 and in Australia on April 7, 2005.

Plot Summary[]

Kitt is feeding Wyldfyr at a feeding station in Mid City and spots Moordryd, Cain and Prankk of the Dragon Eye crew ambushing a shipment of dragon eggs. She contacts Artha who assures her that he, Parmon and Lance are already on it but on not seeing any sign of them being around, she dives in to stop the Dragon Eyes herself. Cain stuns her using a flash-stick and the Dragon Booster emerges from the hijacked shipment to rescue her. He skillfully subdues the Dragon Eyes until they beeline seeing the Dragon City Security arrive on the spot. Captain Faier introduces himself as the new head of Dragon City Security and asks the Dragon Booster to meet him at noon the next day to brief him about Word Paynn and the Dragon Eyes' motives. Word, who has been spying at them with his wraith dragon, plots to exploit the Dragon Booster-Kitt connection to get rid of the former.

At the Gold Dragon Temple, Mortis informs the group that he has scheduled a secret meeting of the Dragon Booster with a sympathetic member of the restive Down City Council who may be willing to steer the others away from crime and war, at noon next day. Parmon reminds Artha that he has a mandatory race around the same time, without competing in which he will not advance to the next level. As they think this dilemma through, Parmon suggests making a replica armour so that he can disguise as the Dragon Booster and meet Faier, while Lance, disguised as Artha, participates in the race with Kitt's assistance and the real Dragon Booster attends the secret meeting.

At his citadel, Word instructs Moordryd and Cain to hold Kitt hostage at their crew compound and trap the Dragon Booster when he shows up to rescue her, until Word arrives with his wraith dragon army to take Beau. The first part of the plan is executed swiftly and Cain spreads the word about Kitt being in their custody and prepares to trap the Dragon Booster.

A disguised Lance panics as the race begins without Kitt. At Precinct, Parmon unsuccessfully tries to get the hearing postponed to next week. The Dragon Booster meets with the member of the Council, who turns out to be Phistus, at Claw Alley in Squire's End. Phistus confesses that the crews can be easily led to war despite his tight control. They both agree to limit Word and Moordryd's influence on the Council.

All three Arthas get to know about Kitt's abduction: Lance overhears the Dragon Eyes after the race, Faier informs Parmon and Phistus informs Artha. Lance makes a small detour to Penn Stables and grabs his size of the replica armour. The three Dragon Boosters converge at the Dragon Eye crew compound and trigger the surveillance alarms all at the same time, horrifying the Dragon Eye minions. Lance sneaks in near Kitt's cage and tries to unlock it as Moordryd and Cain, aghast, head out of the surveillance room to make sense of the multiple, simultaneous sightings of Dragon Booster. 

Lance fetches a Green Deactivation gear and frees Kitt. They both make a run for the exit but collide into Moordryd and Cain. The collision sends Lance's ornamental Dragon Booster helmet flying as he dizzies out of view, revealing empty space where the Dragon Booster's head should have been. In break Beau and Artha, complete with the head. A terrified Cain is drawn to the conclusion that the Dragon Booster is not human, and they run away shrieking in horror. They stumble across Parmon, who, after an initial surprised squeal, shoots his gloves at both their faces, scaring the life out of the duo. They scoot back to the surveillance room and Moordryd locks-down the compound with an energy barrier that shoots energy bolts on the ground. Artha contemplates, then asks the rest to sit on Beau's back and channelize their energy into his Draconium power. Beau forms a protective mag-shield and mag-jumps out of the compound, breaking the barrier, jamming the surveillance screens and gliding away to safety. 

Word arrives and enquires; Cain rants about how the Dragon Booster is not human and can teleport and regenerate. Word is not impressed, not impressed at all.

Important Events[]


  • "He's everywhere...he's not human!" - Cain
  • "Well there's only one Dragon Booster, guys...but we are a team, and we're all heroes." - Artha


  • Parmon wears boxers with white hearts, atomic paths and in Draconian Font printed on them this episode, and probably in the rest too.
  • At the beginning of the race, at the starting line, we see Moordryd sitting on Decepshun's saddle even though Moordryd does not take part in the race in this episode. This is recycled footage from another episode.
  • Lance dials the show's theme-tune when he tries to enter Kitt's cage's password. 
  • At the end, Kitt calls the three Dragon Boosters her "three hero boys".


Dragon Booster Episodes

Season One 010203040506070809101112131415
Season Two 1617181920212223242526
Season Three 27282930313233343536373839
Unproduced 00