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Dragon Booster Wiki
Dragon Eye Crew
Dragon eye crew
Basic Information
Draconium Influence Black
Leader Moordryd Paynn
Base of Operations Dragon Eye Crew Compound
Formed Before the series began
First Appeared In Episode 1: The Choosing, Part 1
Last Seen In Episode 39: Damaged Goods
Council Crew Yes

"Some racers have their methods, I have mine. If I’m the last one standing, I still win."
Moordryd Paynn[src]

Sneaky, cunning, powerful and adept, the Dragon Eye Crew is descended from the ancient Black Draconium empire which started the original Dragon-Human War 3000 years ago. They are led by the ambitious Moordryd Paynn and his Psi-class dragon Decepshun. The crew debuted in the pilot episode, Episode 1: The Choosing, Part 1.

The Dragon Eyes have a large fortified base. They use Psi-class dragons and Black Draconium Gear to intimidate and scare opponents, draining them of both energy and will. 

Known Members[]

Other unaired members of the crew include[1]:

  • Blarre - Member
  • Vizz - Member



  1. Official release by the creators of the show.