Dragon Booster Wiki
Dragon Booster Wiki
Cain profile
Basic Information
Draconium Influence Black
Dragon Coershun
Crew Dragon Eye Crew
Crew Position Co-Leader
Life Status Alive
Name Pronunciation Cane
Voice Actor Scott McNeil

17 year old Cain is Moordryd Paynn's key lieutenant as well as his closest childhood friend. His mother is unknown to us but his father Abyll featured in the unreleased Episode 0: The Alchemist as being one of Word Paynn's closest friends.

As shown in Episode 17: Faster Than Fear, Cain's greatest fear is having to take a position of leadership, particularly over his friend Moordryd. While he is a loyal friend and team mate, he is also known for his cowardice and has a habit of running away when situations get tough, occasionally leaving his team mates stranded as a result.

In spite of his coward nature, Cain is not a complete pushover; in Episode 37: Cain's Mutiny, Cain planned a coup-de-ta against Moordryd in retaliation of the constant poor treatment of his "friend". This divided the Dragon Eye Crew into two factions, with full intention of destroying Moordryd's half- and with all of Cain's previous time spend alongside him, he knew exactly how to take down Moordryd.

Physical Appearance[]

To be added.


To be added.


To be added.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Episode No. Image Brief Role
Episode 1: The Choosing, Part 1
Beau chooses Artha
Cain breaks into Penn Stables with Dragon Eye crew in an unsuccessful attempt to steal Beau.
Episode 2: The Choosing, Part 2
First dragb
Cain plants a disruptor flash for Artha at the behest of Moordryd. He later breaks into Penn Stables with the Dragon Eye crew but is defeated by the Dragon Booster.
Episode 4: Opposing Force
Lance's toy
Cain helps Moordryd defeat Phistus in a jousting match for the leadership of the Down City Council of Twelve by using an invisible wraith dragon.
Episode 5: Fanning the Flames
Pyrrah furox
Cain is seen attending a Council meeting.
Episode 6: The Stand
Cain disguised
The Dragon Eye crew is prevented by the Dragon Booster from stealing dragons for making wraiths. Cain later disguises himself as a member of the Dragon Flares crew and advises Artha to meet a sponsor named "Ro", who is actually Word Paynn. He assists Moordryd in starting a dragon stampede to lure the Dragon Booster in their trap.
Episode 7: The Horn of Libris
Horn libris
Cain and Moordryd cheat their way to victory in the Horn of Libris Tournament to win the Horn of Libris (Artifact) for Word's evil designs. Cain later tries to apprehend the invaders who infiltrate the Dragon Eye Crew Compound to steal it.
Episode 8: Three Times a Hero
Moordryd and Cain aghast
Their evil designs failing owing to the Dragon Booster, the Dragon Eyes abduct Kitt Wonn to lure him in and steal Beau. Little do they know they are in for thrice the trouble.

Season 2[]

Season 3[]


To be added.


  • His name is apparently taken from the biblical story of Cain and Abel. Cain had a mark placed upon him by God, and Cain in Dragon Booster has a Dragon Eye symbol tattooed on his forehead.

