A Bone-Mark is an ancient artifact containing the spirit of an ancient war-dragon who lived 3000 years ago, during the Dragon-Human War. Some hold the spirits of dragons who led the different ancient empires, while some like The Dragon League of Eight hold spirits of elite dragons rather than empire leaders. Other bone-marks contain the spirits of certain Booster's dragons from ancient times as discussed in Episode 0: The Alchemist.
Bone-Marks are composed of pure crystalline Draconium and hold a lot of pure Draconium energy, making them very powerful. These bone-marks can attach themselves to modern dragons and possess them. If the dragon is of pure draconium, it may resist and absorb the bone-mark, getting the ability to call upon the ancient spirit and power at will while being in control. Otherwise, the dragon will remain possessed until the bone-mark is removed.
List of Bone-Marks appearing in the show[]
Bone-Mark | Description and Appearances |
This Red Draconium bone-mark had the ability to affect human riders of possessed dragons too.
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Cyrano was transformed by the Samurox's Blue Draconium Bone-Mark but because Cyrano is of Green Draconium, the Bone-Mark was not fully attached and was eventually removed from Cyrano, who proceeded to drop the Bone-Mark into the deeper depths of the city. From this point on, the Bone-Mark was never seen again. | |
Decepshun was given and absorbed the Vysox's Black Draconium Bone-Mark, and this alter-ego of herself is called upon whenever Moordryd Paynn becomes the Shadow Booster. It was also noted in the series that after absorption, Decepshun became a lot more independent of Moordryd, more so than normal Psi-Class Dragons and became more strategically intelligent, performing complex moves whilst racing that even Moordryd could not do. | |
In Episode 13: The Chromatic Dragon, Word Paynn managed to create an "artificial prism bone-mark" by combining shards of crystalline Draconium of all different colours. The prism bone-mark was powered up by combining the energies of the best dragons of all classes in Dragon City.
This bone-mark obviously didn't contain any possessive spirit, but the overwhelming power had an effect on the dragon it was attached to (Brutaris), changing his physical form and making him rampage. However, not being as powerful as a real bone-mark, this one was easily detachable from the host dragon and equally as easily destroyed. |
Unaired Bone-Marks[]
Other bone-marks not revealed in the show were those belonging to the original Energy Booster, Fire Booster and Power Booster dragons (Ponderrah, Iympetus and Duryss respectively). Connor Penn found and used them to create Beaucephalis's pure Gold Draconium energy. Details of this were revealed in Episode 0: The Alchemist.